Past Events
Tailgate @ Alumni Field at Marv Kay Stadium
Join the McNeil team this Saturday at 10am for delicious breakfast burritos on us until they’re gone! Our McNeil Center trailer will be on the burm area above the beer garden, west end. Afterward, let’s cheer on the Orediggers with kickoff at noon! Saturday 11/4 10-Noon.
Hearts & Gears
HEARTS & GEARS – Community Based Transportation Challenge for Incoming Students. This year incoming students will get the opportunity to work on community-based transportation issues in a fun, hands-on creative experience for students to get a jump start on the lean innovation process. WHEN: Wednesday August 16th, 9am-1pm WHERE: Friedhoff Hall in the Green Center
Evolve’s SPARK Event
Evolve is a student organization for entrepreneurs and innovators. This event will allow students to meet with several local entrepreneurs, some from Mines and others from the community. Come with questions to ask and a notepad to take notes! See our QR code on the flyer to RSVP. WHEN: Wednesday April 12th, 5-7pm
Start Up Career Panel
Are you interested in working at a startup? Join us for an evening of conversation with industry panelists, food, and advice! Participating companies include Boom Supersonic, Loft Orbital Solutions, Crusoe Energy Systems, Cesium Astro, EXERO, and ESI. A light dinner will be provided. RSVP via Diggernet! WHERE: Metals Hall, Green Center WHEN: Tues. April 4th 2023, 5PM – 7PM
Coffee Cart
McNeil Zeal Event
The McNeil Center is hosting a VIP Evening around Entrepreneurship & Innovation to kickoff the 2023-2024 academic year. The event will take place in Friedhoff Hall, Green Center. WHEN: Wednesday September 6th, 6 – 8pm. Invitation only.
2023 Entrepreneurship Showcase
2023 Entrepreneurship Showcase Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM We’re so excited you joined us at the 2023 Entrepreneurship Showcase! Did you feel the energy at the Showcase? Great! Share with us your startup or innovation story!
Innovation Industry Panel

Early Access to Startup Central (5-6 p.m):
Table-top exhibitors from a broad range of campus-based startups, alumni startup/growth firms, and diverse innovation efforts.
Networking (6-7 p.m):
Complimentary drinks and heavy appetizers will be provided.
Program (7-7:45 p.m):
Hear more about our campus-based startups and the organizations supporting them.
Networking (7:45-9 p.m)